
  • 萨省技术移民EOI邀请分数
    EOI Selection ResultsInvited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments.Date of Invitations to ApplyCategoryScore of Lowest Ranked Candidate to ApplyTotal Candidates Invited to ApplyOther Considerations August 21, 2018Express Entry68466Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments.September 20, 2018Occupations In-Demand75140Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assess...
  • 萨省技术移民评分标准(总分100分,60分通过)
    I: LABOUR MARKET SUCCESSA: EDUCATION AND TRAININGMaster’s or Doctorate degree, Canadian equivalency 23Bachelor's degree OR a three or more year degree program at a university or college 20Trade certification equivalent to journeyperson status in Saskatchewan 20Canadian equivalency Diploma that requires two but less than three years at a university, college, trade or technical school, or oth...
  • 萨省技术移民紧缺职业清单(2018年10月更新)
    National Occupation Classification (NOC)OccupationsSINP Requirements Related to Professional Status or Licensure (for regulated occupations or those with professional certification standards in Canada and/or Saskatchewan)2154Land surveyorsProvide documentation from the Canadian Board of Examiners for Professional Surveyors (CBEPS) showing your “Candidate status” and eligibility to write the CBE...

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